Airflow is the key to heating and cooling your home. Air circulates through your HVAC system to condition the air and then distribute it throughout your living spaces. Therefore, it’s important to leverage these five ways to improve airflow and energy efficiency in your Villa Rica, GA, home:
Open and Clear Vents
Your system cannot circulate air throughout your home if it can’t draw air or blow it out easily. Start by opening all of your supply vents and checking that they all have a minimum 6-inch clearance.
Additionally, your return vents need to also remain clear. The vent size determines how much clearance it needs, so check with your maintenance tech during your next visit.
Change Your HVAC Filter Regularly
Your system can’t draw air in effectively if the air filter remains clogged. Plan to check it monthly to catch it early when it needs changing. Most 1- or 2-inch filters commonly require changing every 30 to 90 days.
Have Your Ducts Cleaned Routinely
Your ducts will clog with dirt and other debris over time, restricting airflow through the system. In most cases, it’s sufficient to get professional duct cleaning every three to five years.
Improve Ventilation
Your home needs good ventilation to help improve air quality, which positively impacts energy efficiency. Start by using your ventilation fans in your kitchen and bathrooms. Beyond that, consider adding additional mechanical ventilation to your attic, like an energy recovery ventilator.
Stay Current on HVAC Maintenance
Over time, your HVAC system will collect contaminants internally and parts will loosen and wear. Maintenance helps maintain efficiency by keeping sufficient airflow through the system with a deep cleaning. Additionally, your maintenance service technician will check and tighten loose connections and test for wearing parts.
Do all you can to improve the airflow throughout your home and HVAC system to reduce heating and cooling costs. Call to schedule an HVAC maintenance visit with one of our NATE-certified service technicians at Certified Air Care, Inc.
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